"Our Tile is Authentic and Safe"

Metal roof vs ceramic roof

Consisting of the six main Portuguese brands in the Structural Ceramic Industry subsector, the "Our Telha" group aims to reinforce the benefits of using Ceramic Tile on roofs. 

This group aims to raise consumer awareness of the advantages of national Ceramic Tile: "Tile produced in Portugal goes far beyond the tradition and heritage that is intrinsic to it. It is currently considered the most durable, safe and authentic option capable of meeting the current requirements and quality parameters. Ceramic Tile meets the technical performance, legal, integrative and economic criteria required in the domestic and international market that defy any pre-conceived idea. 

Our Tile constitutes a Solution with an unparalleled historical character and an unmistakable cultural identity. It has achieved a unique position as a roofing solution, as it is the one that best meets functional, aesthetic and safety demands and expectations. For these reasons, it constitutes a landmark of national identity and culture." 

This is Our Tile – True, Authentic and Safe Tile.


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